
One of the oldest activities in the work of the “Karić Brothers” Foundation was the Humanitarian

The Karć brothers Foundation held a promotion of two new titles by Maria Line Veca, “Landscapes

The Braća Karić Foundation has been successfully cooperating with the Kreativno pero Educational Center

Although the circumstances caused by the Covid-19 pandemic did not allow the Karic Brothers Awards to

The 60th Trumpet Festival in Guča has ended, and among those who will remember it for the rest of their

Under the high patronage of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and the Belgrade City Assembly,

The 50th Jubilee award ceremony “Golden Hoop” for lasting contribution to Belgrade culture

With a strong belief that cultural dialogue contributes to an establishment of harmonious relations,

After four decades of giving and caring, of love and harmony, humanitarian work… the „Karić Brothers“

Dragi prijatelji, ispred vas je novo izdanje Biltena Fondacije Braća Karić u kome ćete naći sve