The prestigious Karić Brothers Award Ceremony 2023

In the packed hall of the National Theater in Belgrade, the prestigious Karić Brothers Awards were presented for the 26th time, to domestic and foreign eminent individuals for their outstanding contribution to mankind.

The Karić Brothers Foundation, that has been involved in humanitarian work for 45 years, established the Karić Brothers Award with the desire that the greatest achievements are additionally valued and given special importance, in culture and art, economy and business, journalism and literature, scientific and research work, humanitarian activities, sports, strengthening of democracy, peace, cooperation and friendship between nations.

The traditional award ceremony was held on Sunday, December 3, 2023 with many representatives of the diplomatic corps, numerous figures from the public life of Serbia as guests and members of the Karić family.

This year awards were presented by Dragomir J. Karić with the younger members of the family, Sara and Tara Karić and Luka Lazarević.

The audience was shown a short video about each winner, presenting their achievements, successes and awards.

Among the first winners were John Bosnić, a Serbian-Canadian journalist, and Tatsuya Hirano, a Japanese cultural activist and lexicologist, who were awarded the Karić Brothers Awards for journalism.

Bogdan Bogdanović, as the winner of the Karić Brothers Award for top achievements in sports, addressed the audience via video message and expressed his gratitude for the award he was given.

Professor Jasmina Vujić, also known the atomic princess, is the winner of the Karić Brothers Award for scientific and research work and technological innovation “Nikola Tesla”, also forwarded her words of thank you via video link and said that it was an extremely great honor for her to be the winner of such a great award, while professor Sven Maričić, winner of the same award, addressed the audience in person at the National Theater and expressed his gratitude to the Foundation and the Karić family.

For the development of modern China’s economy and humanitarian activities, the Foundation awarded Professor Ching Manho, a great humanist and visionary from Hong Kong to Shanghai.

Serbian actor Miloš Biković received the Foundation’s award for his outstanding contribution to culture and art, and Kazakh singer Dimash Qudaibergen was awarded in the same category as “an architect of musical bridges with a unique musical identity”.

The winner of the award for the strengthening of democracy, peace, cooperation and friendship among nations, Budimir Lončar, was presented to the glittering line-up of the evening as a prominent diplomat who contributed significantly to progress and stability in the world.

His friend Prof. Dejan Jović spoke on behalf of Budimir Lončar and said that Lončar received the news of the award with great excitement and gratitude.

Next to the mixed choir “Operatikon” conducted by Đorđe Stanković, the art troupe Una Saga Serbika and the masterful artist Dimash Qudaibergen, whose performance was accompanied by huge ovations, took part in the artistic program.

At the end of the gala ceremony, the family anthem “Srbijo Majko” was performed by the president of the Foundation, Danica Karić Stojilković and Danijela Karić Mileusnić, accompanied by a choir, the program was hosted by Ivan Golušin and Bojana Odavić.

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