The Sanctity of Motherhood Forum has ended


The two-day Forum “Sanctity of Motherhood”, which was organized in Belgrade in cooperation with the Karić Foundation and the Russian “St. Andrew the First-Called” Fund, ended with a panel discussion “Youth and family in the modern world: solutions and practice”. THREE CHILDREN EACH SO THAT OUR NATION WOULD EXIST EVEN IN A HUNDRED YEARS.

The two-day Forum on the Sanctity of Motherhood, which was organized in Belgrade in cooperation with the Karić Foundation and the Russian Fund of Saint Andrew the First-Called, ended with a panel discussion. Youth and family in the modern world: solutions and practice. After the ceremonial opening in the National Theater, which was attended by numerous dignitaries and at which, among others, the President of the National Assembly of Serbia, Maja Gojković, and Ministers Slavica Đukić Dejanović and Zoran Đorđević presented concrete steps taken by the State of Serbia to help families and to promote childbirth. , followed by round tables in the Moscow and Life Design hotels, where eminent experts from all over the world spoke about the importance of this gathering, which was greeted by the presidents of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, Vladimir Putin of Russia, and Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus. In their presentations, they presented the methods by which their associations and governments fight against the white plague and by which they encourage young generations to establish marriages and, what is more important, to preserve them. At the final panel in Hotel Moskva, Aleksandar Ilyin, advisor to the CEO of the Pervogo channel and president of the Managing Council of the Pobeda TV channel, as the host of the discussion at the very beginning, asked the participants, as well as many present, whether the family should be included in the red book of endangered species! He said that the idea is to unite the countries and establish the International Committee to Save the Family and Children. Academician Arthur Rean, doctor of pedagogy and chairman of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Education for family and childhood issues, said that the reduction of the social role of the family is worrying. He explained that they conducted a large survey among Russian high school students and came to the conclusion that for teenagers, family is a priority, that it is in their consciousness and that it always takes first place in relation to everything else. But on the other hand, the real picture is devastating because every second marriage in Russia breaks up, especially among young people aged 25 to 29 years and after about three to five years of living together. Rean says that the school subject Family Science could greatly contribute to strengthening and saving the family and family values, that everyone from the relevant Russian ministries to educational institutions praises it, but that in practice its implementation in teaching is difficult because the authorities claim that there is no room for more one subject because students are overloaded! Nevertheless, Family Science is already being studied by students in several regions of Russia, who independently introduced it into the teaching system, although it has not yet found its place in the official educational curriculum in the Russian Federation.

Nikolaj Jefimović, president of the Union of Belarus and Russia TV Broadcasting Organization, analyzed the role of the media and pointed out that the importance of the family is not talked about enough in the media, that the red line has been reached and that the question is what role the family will play for young and will they be ready to protect her. He emphasized that half of Moscow lives unmarried and that today it is considered normal, which he does not agree with at all. He underlined that the role of the media in propagating a healthy, traditional family must be much greater.

Member of Parliament Dragomir J. Karić, honorary consul of Belarus and adviser of the Karić Foundation, in his very inspiring presentation said that he, like all members of the Karić family, have the right to speak about the sanctity of motherhood, recalling that he was born in a family with several children, that all four brothers have four children each, that the sister has three, that he recently became the grandfather of the 13th grandchild. Karić said that it is terrifying that today’s young families would give birth to half a child if they could, not even one child.

We need to increase the birth rate so that our nations will exist in a hundred years and we must have families with at least three children. The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, said that around 300 million euros will be allocated from the New Year for families with three or more children – said Karić. He pointed out that he and his wife Haf have been connected to Russia for 45 years and that many Russian couples, thanks to conversations with the two of them and being encouraged by the fact that they function wonderfully in a marriage with four children, have decided to expand their families with one child. That’s how, Dragomir J. Karić proudly points out, in all these years he became godfather there 6,000 times. Danijela Stajković, director of the Children’s Shelter, said that it was a great pleasure and honor for her to be at such a gathering and emphasized the exceptional cooperation with the Karić family.

– It is a privilege that the institution I represent has with it a family like the Karić family and a foundation like the Karić Foundation, which has been helping children’s shelters throughout the year for 10 years. We are no longer in a donor relationship, we are someone who is a friend and who has full freedom to call the Karić Foundation for every problem and trouble and solve the problem. It is a great honor and privilege – emphasized Stajković. She said that there is always some discussion about who is the problem – the child or the family:

– Neither the child nor the family is the problem. For the last thirty years, our country has been going through major reforms, been in wars, had major migrations, and I think that we got lost in those events and we lost that traditional family that gave us all the solutions and strength to move on. In those unfortunate years, a virtual world appeared that offered much greater freedom but much fewer opportunities. But none of us saw that. Many have died, many have lost their homes. We must listen to our children. They participate in everything that needs to be fixed. A single mother and father must spend quality time with their family, without phones, without television, without any additional content. When a family spends time even in silence it is a big deal. When he spends it in silence – that’s a big problem! Sofija Ljalikova, leading analyst of the Faculty of Sociology of Lomonosov Moscow State University, referred to the fact that the race for material security pushed women into production without anyone thinking about their important role – the role of mother.And that’s why, she said, in developed countries, unfortunately, one or two children is the maximum within a family. The Sanctity of Motherhood Forum, which was held for the seventh time, and for the first time in Belgrade, contributed to the exchange of experiences, knowledge and ideas for preserving the family, the most sacred of all that each of us has. At the final panel discussion, which was attended by Vladimir Yakunin, chairman of the Supervisory Board of the St. Andrew the First-Called Fund, as well as MP Milanka Karić, founder and honorary president of the Karić Foundation and honorary consul of Kazakhstan, Natalija Yakunin, chairwoman of the Supervisory Council of the Holiness of Motherhood program, also spoke. She especially thanked the Karić Foundation and personally Milanka Karić and Dragomir J. Karić for the wonderful hospitality in Serbia. She also stated that she was especially pleased that there were many young participants at the round tables and emphasized that the participants of the Forum are missionaries who need to spread ideas about the protection and preservation of family, motherhood and children in all segments of society. Member of Parliament Milanka Karić welcomed the gathering saying that the Karić Foundation with the Sveti Andrej Prvozvani Fund is actively working on the most important thing, which is the protection of mothers, children and families. She said that we should re-accept what used to be, that mothers work, feed the family and defend it, because mothers can do it, reminding that she is the mother of four children and the grandmother of five grandchildren and that soon there will be more two.




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