Karic Foundation for the first mobile mammography unit in Serbia

In it’sdecades-long humanitarian mission, the KarićFoundationshows exceptional care and social responsibility for the health of the nation by donating capital devices such as hyperbaric chamber for the Military Medical Academy, device for heart surgery for the Institute”Mother and Child”, complete renovation of the facade of Children’s Hospital in Tiršova valued at over 20 million dinars, as well as the equipment for maternity hospitals, gynecology clinics and children’s hospitals all the way from Pristina, via Bor, to Vojvodina.

Naturally,in the spirit of humanitarian work, donating half a million dinars, the Karić Foundation supported the project of B92 Fund for the purchase of the first mobile mammography in Serbia.

In a statementto TV B92, president of the Karić Foundation, Ms. Milanka Karic, said:

“We decidedto help your campaign. I consider this very important. I think that it is a great activity and a great thing for our country and for our women, mothers especially, given that the disease is spreading, and that there is an extremely large number of women who suffer”.

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