The Karić family celebrated the Saint John the Baptist


On Epiphany, in the circle of their closest relatives, the Karić family started the celebration of the St. John the Baptist, which they celebrated with numerous guests on January 20, by cutting the celebratory cake with Serbian Patriarch Irinej. Bogoljub, Milanka, Dragomir, Slavica and Zoran Karić, as well as Olivera Karić Nedeljković, welcomed the guests at Villa Jelena. In the presence of many important figures from the cultural and social life of Serbia, ambassadors and representatives of the diplomatic corps, Patriarch Irinej gave a short speech, emphasizing in it the importance that the Karić family provides to everyone with its example of unity and harmony. To the respected and virtuous Karić family, my dear citizens of Peć, I heartily congratulate you on your baptismal slava. It is wonderful to hear this list with the names of family members, which is a remnant of our former life when the family had twenty or thirty members each. Unfortunately, today nothing is as endangered as the family! The duty and task of our Church and the entire society is to restore the role and importance of the family, the first school where life and knowledge for life is acquired. The Karić family preserved it! – Patriarch Irinej emphasized in his speech, after singing the Troparion to Saint John the Baptist with the clergy of the Serbian Orthodox Church.              He said that the Karić family celebrated its slava for the first time this year without its spiritual leader.

We recently sent Mother Angelina to the Lord and now she is surely watching us from the other world. I believe she is happy that the family continues to live the life that she and her wonderful husband, Janićije, set as a foundation. I wish the family a lot of success, and this is to some extent a great proof of what a strong family means. The Karić family is one of the strongest families here. They are known and respected all over the world. May the Lord give them what they want, and the Lord will give them what they deserve, and as we see, thank God, the Lord gives the Karić family his blessing to succeed in all areas of social and family life. May it be a happy slava, may you celebrate for many years. All for the glory of God and his patron Saint John the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord, for his joy and the joy of all of us. Cheers to many summers! – said Serbian Patriarch Irinej, blessing all the employees of the BK Group who work in more than 12 countries in the world. Karići have always been known as guardians of traditions and values ​​of family life and harmony, because the family was and will be the safest place. And they showed that this time as well by celebrating the traditional celebration of baptismal slava, to which the young Karići from Canada also came.




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