Promotion of the new book published by Karić Foundation ” Diary to remember eternal Serbian friends “

The official promotion of the book ” Diary to remember eternal Serbian friends”, by Dragan M. Milošević, was held on December 11, 2018 in the Russian House crowded with numerous friends and associates of the author and the Karic Foundation.

Take a look

“A friend is more needed than fire and water.”

Erasmus of Rotterdam

Another wonderful release has seen the light of the day thanks to the Karic Foundation and will remain recorded in Serbian history.

The collaboration between Mr Dragan Miloševic and the Karic Foundation lasts for quite some time. The previous book of this author, ” Heroines of Serbia -Through the centuries”, also in the edition of Karic Foundation, underwent two editions, it has been translated into Russian and is currently being translated into English, what we are particularly proud of.

The Karic Foundation was pleased to publish the second by Mr Miloševic  ” Diary to remember eternal Serbian friends”.

Readers will find it as a book-monograph with an comprehensive, exhaustive and unique display of biographies and works of 80 individuals – “foreigners” who by the author’s choice incorporated themselves into national history of Serbs in different ways, by their personal engagement and sacrifice, with immeasurable dedication or expressed courage for every admiration, which gave them a well deserved place in the “Diary”.

The author, Mr Dragan M. Milošević, included individuals from 26 nations and cultures of Europe, USA, Asia and Australia, predominantly Russians, Germans, French, Czechs, Jewish, Greeks, British …

The “Diary” reminds us that a written record is an extremely effective form of memory that can save us from forgetfulness as an unforgivable national sin. This significant book also has taken us through the 10-century “pilgrimage”, from the Middle Ages to the present day, especially the 19th and 20th century, through those times of brutal wars, crises and great annihilation of Serbs, and in a unique  way, through the presentation of life, work and the diversity of fate of 80 “foreigners” – friends of Serbs and Serbia.

Two of the „foreign“ friends from the “Diary“ attended the promotion, Mr Hiroshi Yamasaki Vukelić and Mr Arnaud Gouillon, winner of this year’s “Karic Brothers” award for humanitarian work, and they were the first to receive copies of the “Diary” from the author and representatives of the Karic Foundation .

Beside the author, reviewer Mr Tomislav Kresović and Mrs Žana Živaljević spoke about the book.  Guests of the selected program were: Choir of the Primary School “Lazar Savatić” from Zemun, ensemble “Narakord”, opera soloist Jelena Papić Čamdžić and national artist Mr Dragan Mlađenović- Shakespeare, founder of ethno ensemble “Renesans”.

A book “Diary to remember eternal Serbian friends” and the individuals recorded there should certainly become a part of the history textbooks and the Karic Foundation has done another great job because these 80 friends of Serbs will certainly not be forgotten, they remain “eternal”.


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