Serbian MPs Milanka i Dragomir J. Karić hosted international conference in Minsk on the Day of Belarusian Literacy

Members of Serbian Parlament, Milanka i Dragomir J. Karić attended the International Conference on “Days of Belarusian Literacy” as guests of the Minister of Culture and Information of Belarus, in Minsk last weekend.

The founder of the Karić Foundation Mrs Milanka Karić thanked for the invitation pointing out first of all the importance of such a gathering saying that Serbia and Belarus, at least when it comes to our languages and culture, have a lot in common. The closeness of the two nation is reflected not only in the same Cyrillic alphabet we use but also in the historical struggle for the preservation of language and literacy.
The main task of the “Karić Foundation” said Milanka Karić, is constant work on the development of national culture and science.
– We have published biography books of many scientists, artists and well-known political figures from Serbia and other World countries exclusively in Cyrillic letter. Our initiative “write in Cyrillic” is supported by the Government of Serbia. – said Milanka Karić.
She suggested and called for colaboration between Karić Foundation and ALFA BK University with Belarusian institutions in the implementation of international scientific conferences, round tables, workshops, publications of monographs and articles in scientific journals as well as in preparation of scientific research projects.
– I am convinced that the future cooperation between our the two countries will be successful and fruitful and will contribute to growing rapprochement between Serbia and Belarus as well as the development of science, culture and education.- concluded Mrs Milanka Karić.
The conference was attended by the academician Ivan Aleksievič Čarota, a prominent Belarusian slavist, professor and the Head of the Department of Slavic Literature at the State University of Belarus in Minsk, otherwise laureate of the „Karić Brothers Award ” in 2014 for journalism, publishing and strengthening cultural and spiritual ties between the two brotherly Slavic nations . Ivan Aleksievič Čarota is an akademician and the foreign Member of the Serbian Academy SANU .
The Belarusian Literacy Day is a national holiday that has been celebrated since 1994 in order to promote the best traditions of national culture of the printed word, spirituality of the Belarus and its citizens. This unique event is taking place in the historical and cultural centers which are inseparably linked to the life of the country’s celebrities.
On the behalf of Dragomir J. Karić, Honorary Consul of Belarus in Serbia, Milanka Karić has received a special award from the Minister of information Lilia Ananič Stanislavova for the great personal contribution to the development of international literary ties between the two nations as well as for being an active partner in the organization of International round tables “Sozvučije“.


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