Sasa Krstic for the third time the best trumpet player in Guca

On behalf of the Karic Foundation and the Karic family, Mr Dragomir J. Karic MP awarded the Trumpeter statuette to this year’s winner of the first trumpet at the final contest of Dragacevo Festival.

The winner, best trumpeter of the 56th Dragacevo Trumpet Festival, according to the jury is Sasa Krstic from Zaguzanje and the best orchestra is the Orchestra of Bojan Ristic from Vladicin Han. Traditionally, for many years, the “Karic Foundation” gifts the statuette “Dragacevo winner” to the best trumpet player.

On behalf of the Karic Foundation and the Karic family, Mr Dragomir J. Karic MP awarded the trumpeter statuette to this year’s winner of the first trumpet at the final contest of Dragacevo Festival.

The statuetteis a replica of the Monument to the Trumpet Player in the center of the town Guca built by the “Karic Foundation” back in 1998. It is a symbol of the festival, a symbol of the whole region and the guard of Serbian tradition for the future.

Dragomir J. Karic accompanied by his host, the mayor Vesna Stambolic and HE the Ambassador of Belarus Vladimir Nikolayevich Chushev, walked down the city streets, where he was greeted by numerous festival visitors from home and abroad.


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