Karić Foundation at the 60th International Belgrade Book Fair

“What would have happened if it didn’t happen” was the motto of the 60th International Belgrade Book Fair, held in the period from October 25 to November 1, 2015.

The greatest literary and cultural event in Serbia and the region was opened by the film director and writer, Emir Kusturica and his colleague from Russia, the country – guest of honor of this year’s fair, Natalija Naročnickaja.

“In the history of the South Slavs – literature, Christianity and statehood grew from the same root and areinseparablylinked”, noted Naročnickaja and quoted the Serbian Patriarch Pavle:

“God has not given us a sword or a gun to force people to join us, in order to become Christians. He gave us the word …”

Proudly, the guest from Russia noted that “both her homeland and Serbia are still countries that are reading, and our task is primarily to assist the process of mutual understanding. More Russian books should be translated into Serbian language, more Serbian authors should find their way to the hearts of Russian readers. We need to preserve and magnify the priceless treasures of our Slovenian Orthodox culture and our God’s gift – the Cyrillic alphabet! ”

Thanks to the “Karić Foundation”, the readers from Serbia met with the currently most widely read works of Russian authors.

Already on the first day of the book festival, book lovers of the written word had the opportunity to meet and talk to one of the most active Russian experts in the world of political and professional elite, the president of the Foreign Policy Committee of the State Duma, Alexei Pushkov, whose book “Postskript – Can Putin help Russia?” was presented at this year’s Book Fair thanks to the “Karić Foundation”

The Russian Ambassador Alexandar Chepurin declared this book to be one of the most interesting for the domestic readers as well as the “Novel with Postscript” by Nina Pushkov, which was also presented at our stand at the opening ceremony of the biggest cultural event in Serbia and the region.

Alexei Pushkov who, along with his wife Nina Pushkov, signed books for the numerous audience on the “KarićFoundation” stand, pointed out that it is very good and important that the “Karić Foundation” has enabled the translation and printing of the books “Postskript- Can Putin help Russia?” and “Novel with Postscript”.

“I think it is very important that the “Karić Foundation” has enabled the Serbian translation and publishing of mine and my wife’s book. I have noticed during my previous visit to Serbia, in June this year, that Serbian people are interested in what people in Russian think. This book is just the answer to that question”, said Pushkov, adding that he hopes that his book will be of interest to the local readers.

Nina Pushkov, too, expressed her gratitude to the “Karić Foundation” and signed her book “Novel with Postscriptum” on the “Karić Foundation” stand.

“I am very grateful to the “Karić Foundation” and personally to Dragomir Karić, who enabled the Serbian translation of my book. It is important that readers in Serbia are given the opportunity to read it.

“This is a book about two worlds: the world of politics and the other world, the world of the actor, cinematographer. In it I write about six presidents and other important people who have had a major impact on the epoch”, said Nina Pushkov.

The Karić Foundation stand hosted many visitors, friends of this institution as well as the Serbian Patriarch Irinej.

In addition to Russia, the country guest of honor of this year’s fair, 483 direct publishers presented themselves, which of 67 from abroad, with the “Karić Foundation” among them.

Besides “Postskript – Can Putin help Russia?” and “Novel with Postscript” the “Karić Foundation” stand exhibited other books from its rich publishing activity such as: “Nursultan Nazarbayev”, “Heroines of Serbia – Centuries Record” by Dragan Milošević, “Fate of the Youngest Corporal”, “The Cruel Death March” both books by Svetlana Milovanović, Musical Notes Edition, “Self-potrait of Uroš Predić” and “Milan Predić- articles and notes”, by Darko Garić.

Book Promotion

The promotion of the book by Alexei Pushkov was held in the Ceremonial hall of the Army under the patronage of the Karić Foundation. It was attended by eminent guests from the fields of diplomacy and culture.

Professor of Moscow State Faculty of International Relations, President of the Foreign Policy Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, President of the Council for strategic priorities, in the opinion of many – the author of the best analytical Russian television show – Postscriptum, Alexei Pushkov belongs to the world’s political and expert elite.

On behalf of the Karić Foundation, guests were welcomed by President Danica B. Karić, who did not hide her satisfaction for the honor.

The book “Postscript – Can Russia help Putin” contains a multitude of important, interesting, current world and Russian topics such as: the descending power of the USA, the global crisis, a new map of the world, China as a new world power, wars and migration in the Middle East.

Vladislav Jovanović, Serbian diplomat, former ambassador of Yugoslavia and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in two terms, spoke at the promotion.

The curiosity is that this book was not written with a target – a resident of any country in the world can be recognized in it – because Pushkov, a real connoisseur of the world situation, treated exactly the current burning global topics.

After the successful promotion, Alexei Pushkov was signing his books for the interested numerous invitees.


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