57th Dragachevo Trumpet festival in Gucha

On behalf of the Karic Foundation M.P. Dragomir J. Karic, traditionally rewarded the best trumpeter at the 57th Dragachevo Trumpet Festival in Gucha with the statuette “Dragachevo Winner”.

This statuette is a replica of the monument to Trumpeter in the center of Gucha, which was built by the Karic Foundation in 1998. It stands as the symbol of the Festival, the symbol of the whole region, and as a guardian of the Serbian tradition for the future of the nation.

“During six days of the festival, half a million fans of trumpet sound from the region, even from faraway Australia, South African Republic,  America…have visited Gucha and Serbia. Gucha proved once again to be the true Serbian brand and that the trumpet with its magical sound spreading around the world  is a symbol of the Serbian hospitality.

There is no Serb or foreigner without the photo next to the Trumpeter monument. The monument is erected thanks to the Karic Foundation while our late brother Sreten Karic is to thank for Gucha present state. ” said Dragomir J. Karic.

Bojan Krstic Orchestra from Vladichin Han, was the winner of the 57th Dragachevo Trumpet festival and the title of the best trumpeter went to Janko Jovanovic from Pozega.

The golden trumpet was won by Ivan Jovanovic from Uzici and the reward for the most original music went to Ivan Djenadic’s orchestra from Akmachici.

Janko Jovanovic and Liyubivoye Dikovic’s orchestra from Pozega was awarded for the best-played folk dance and song “Pshenichitze sitno seme”(„Weat, the fine seed“).

The best bass player at 57th Dragachevo Trumpet Festival  was Iliya Djenadic from Ivan Djenadic’s orchestra from Akmachici.

Dragan Jeftic from Janko Jovanovic and Liyubivoye Dikovic’s orchestra took the title of the best tenor player while the best drummer was Slavisha Stamenkovic from Vladimir Ivanovic’s orchestra from Zaguzanye.

The Dragachevo Trumpet Festival is a traditional happening in Serbia and a unique parade of trumpeters that is held every year in the little town of Gucha in Dragachevo region.

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